Tips for managing stress

Saraswathi Mopuru
2 min readMar 15, 2023


We’ve all experienced the overwhelming feeling that we might make a mistake at work or miss a deadline.

Stress is a normal reaction when we have unfavourable events. Although stress is common, it might sometimes conflict with your work and productivity.

For most people, their job offers a sense of purpose and responsibility. And of course, that is good, but constant stress is not. Stress affects you in many ways, and you might not even realise it.

Here are some ways you could manage work stress:

  1. Plan your day.

I organise my day. Knowing the day’s schedule allows me to do the highest-priority things first. I have set aside time daily to respond to emails and make phone calls. Planning your day ahead allows for improved time management and minimises stress and anxiety.

2. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a state of conscious, non-judgmental attention to the present moment. Mindfulness fosters concentration, attentiveness, and awareness. I try to practise mindful breathing whenever I am stressed at work. It enables me to get control of my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to relax and calm down.

3. Realistic goals.

Set achievable goals. Many employees are overloaded with work. They try to achieve a lot at once, causing additional stress and preventing them from doing their actual priorities. Setting realistic aims will help you to attain them within a reasonable amount of time.

4. Take breaks.

Whenever I start to get stressed at work, I take a break and go for a walk to some quiet place. Taking regular breaks enables you to rewind and refocus on the task at hand. It provides some momentary relaxation. If you are unable to go for a stroll, you could spend your break listening to music, reading, or doing breathing exercises.

Regarding work-related stress, keep in mind that it is not everlasting! By managing stress, you can also improve your productivity at work. Make sure to take care of yourself mentally and physically and give yourself time to adapt.

Everyone has work stress; don’t let it get the best of you!

#work #stress #stressmanagement #workstress

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